Wednesday, June 27, 2012

That Rebel Retiring

In a few more days I'll be retiring That Rebel with a Blog. Why?

Many reasons. First, and foremost, I have evolved over the last three years. That Rebel changed with me, yes. But I have reached a crossroads. Changing the name and revamping the look won't work. Not for me. Call me a wuss, but with today's political climate and freaky law changes, having a blog with the name 'rebel' in the title probably isn't a good idea.

So. I have a new blog that I'll be debuting this Saturday, June 30th.

Blessed Are The Peace Makers will be similar in format to That Rebel, but the emphasis will be on the birthing of a trilogy, not just life and writing in general. I will continue to rely heavily on creative nonfiction, sharing research snippets, fascinating historical characters and tidbits, plus any noteworthy writing shortcuts and resources I discover along the way.

Want to know more about Blessed Are The Peace Makers (The Blog)? Read on.

"Here you will read about an unconventional life: the life of a writer, a philosopher and a sage. You will get glimpses in to the world of a novelist, and likely be subjected to aha’s, scraped knees, triumphs and frustrations.
If you are fascinated, or even mildly interested, in metamorphosis and alchemy, join me on this journey. Be prepared for magic: the kind that occurs when ideas become words, words become stories, and stories beget dreams that overcome the nightmarish.
It is an epic journey, and one that must be undertaken in every lifetime.
This one will be ours. Come along for the ride. ~ Olivia J. Herrell
Thank you, to all my wonderful friends and followers. You each have a special place in my heart. Many of you have helped me become the writer I am today. Thank you for that. Thank you very much.

I'm not saying goodbye. 'Cause I'll be back again before we retire.

See you soon, Olivia J. Herrell


Michelle Gregory said...

so glad you're not leaving blog world, just changing. good for you dear.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

As I said on your Facebook page: your blog was one of the first I visited when first exploring blogdom. I think "Rebel" is perfectly acceptable even in today's politically correct society.

Still, you must do what you feel in your heart is right, of course. I will miss this blog, though my blood center hours keeps me from visiting as often as I want to.

Great fortune with your next blog, Roland

dolorah said...

What fun to re-invent yourself, but not lose what you've already achieved.

I look forward to reading the new blog.


Yvonne Osborne said...

Being a peacemaker these days is probably as suspicious as being a rebel. I will be looking for you. How does this work? Do I have to "follow" you again from the new one? How will I know to remember? I'll probably need a nudge because these days I don't know where I've been or where I'm going. Good luck!!!

February Grace said...

Looking forward to the new blog, glad you're not retiring entirely!

<3 bru

Misha Gerrick said...

I like that you're changing blogs, although you closing this one feels like an end of an era for me.

It was one of the first ones I ever followed. :-)

Misha Gerrick said...

BTW, when will we be able to follow your new blog?

Unknown said...

I always liked the Whackadoodle blog :)

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