Friday, July 25, 2014

White Space

Wow. It's weird in here. All this white space. It's freaky. Where are all the words? All the sentences? All the paragraphs?

Who the hell took my words?!?!?

Oh. Wait. There they are. The more I type. Hmm. Seems the more I type, the more there are. Ohhhhh. Yeaaaahhh. Thaaaat's where they are.

Those wascally words. Seems they just don't appear on their own, now do they.


Here's to having an awe-inspired weekend doing whatever you do to fill in your own white space. Figuratively speaking. Or in my case, literally speaking.


~ Olivia J. Herrell


Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Internal Dialogue 101

Go ahead. Do it. Write something. Write a blog post.

Nope. Can't.

Why not?

Hmm. Not sure, really. Just can't. Don't want to. Can't make me, either.


Really. Not doing it. Not until I finish that book I'm writing. Not until then, I tell you.

Really? That doesn't make much sense.

Um. Sense? It's not about sense. It's about. Crap. What is it about?

Hahahaha. See. You're bonkers.

Me? YOU'RE bonkers. I'M fine. I can't. Don't want to. Can't make me. And that's all there is to it.

Huh. Alrighty then. Have it your way. But you will. I know you. Sooner or later, you will.

~ Olivia J. Herrell
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