Oceans. The Gulf of Mexico. Lost Keys. Perdido Bay. Orange Beach. Alabama. Generosity. Aunt Dixie. Kek. Mini Coopers. Going topless (the car, silly). iPod shuffle. Cranking it up. Bopping to the music. Swapping stories. Fond memories. Adventure. Fellow travelers. Soul sisters. Second chances.
Beach artists. Messages in the sand. Sand fences. Early risers. Sleeping late. Green tea. California almonds. Tazo. Macy's Parade. Times Square. Laptops. Wireless connections. Blogger. My Blogger family. Sisters. Brothers. Father. Mother.

Waves crashing. Sensitive ears. Pondering all manner of life. Wisdom. Philosophizing.
Angles. Walkways. Eleventh floors. Eco-conscious board of directors. Sea oat restoration. Jeff, whoever he may be. Warped senses of humor. (You do see it, right?)
Footprints in the sand. Fan patterns. Waves crashing. Souls cleansing.
There and back again trails. Young lovers (no, I did NOT take a picture). Smiles to last a lifetime.I hope you enjoy your day, wherever you are. Honor what was and find the beauty in what is. Love. Laugh. Live.
I promise you, I am.
Happy Thanks Giving to All, Olivia
Happy Thanksgiving, Olivia!
I really enjoyed those photo's. Me? I'm doing solo duty at the echo-empty blood center, bacterial sampling platelets (blood products that control bleeding,)answering on call, and delivering needed blood to our hospitals far-flung over two states.
Have a great today and a better end of week!
What a gorgeous beach for a holiday (or any day). I love your list--oceans, music, second chances, messages in the sand...Ah, so much to be grateful for. Have a lovely day!
Loved the photo's a wonderful post.
Happy Thanksgiving Olivia.
Happy Thanksgiving, Olivia!
Roland, I'm so happy you could be a link in the life-saving chain today. I'm grateful to (and for) you for that and for showing up here to say hi. But mostly I am grateful to call you friend. And my adopted 'cuz'.
Tricia, a friend on Facebook had posted a short list and I couldn't help but include one of my own with the pictures. Thank you for being a part of my Blogger family and for stopping by on this day of giving thanks.
Yvonne, as always it is wonderful to see you. I hope your day is filled with blessed gratitude for what is. BTW, I saw on a tv special that thanksgiving actually originated on your side of the pond, only it was a day of fasting (because people were in church all day praying and thanking God). :)
Mary, I hope your day is filled with giggles and special moments. Thank you!
Love to all, Olivia
I swear, Blogger doesn't like me anymore! First, I won't let me get to the comment section. Then, it eats my comments. And third, your post just now showed up on my list!
Anyway, I'm glad you're in such a lovely place and I loved your list.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy, Sunny, Thanksgiving my friend. I spent mine fulfilling my legal obligations.
Nice List! :)
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow
Have a happy day, and a great weekend.
...wonderful post! Dearly missing the coast and wishing to return soon.
Not to sound overly mushy, but feeling thankful for my family's health...for with that, anything's possible:)
Happy Thanksgiving!
Sadly, this is my first Thanksgiving without my mom, so it all feels a little weird to me. But I am definitely grateful that I have so many wonderful memories of past holidays to share with Sierra and Xander.
Oh, just "the car." You had me for a second.
Happy Thanksgiving. I braved the crowd on Black Friday at Walmart today. Little old ladies pushing shopping cars can be more deadly than the characters in Roland's books.
those are some pretty pics, Olivia, I can imagine the beauty of a winter stroll down that beach ...
Loved the photos! Glad you had a great day:)
I'm thankful for family and friends and for good books, which are also good friends.
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