Sunday, October 24, 2021

Thank You, Dear Readers

Thank you for listening to my wacky wanderings, reading the stuff I share, and for sticking with me through thick and thin.

I know I get excited and post way too much about my books - and I apologize for that - but writing is such a big part of my life today that it's hard for me not to carry on about it. Or to even spam you now and again, especially when I have a free/$.99 promo going on - like now.😂

Click to Buy Awen Rising for FREE & Awen Storm for $.99

While working on Awen Tide, I've been pondering the best way to complete the novel I abandoned for nine months while writing its prequel. I had to do it. I needed more background to finish the story. But each of my many POV character arcs were left dangling. Which is no big deal, right? Just pick up each character's thread and run with it?

One might think. And that IS the way I normally approach it. But the glaring truth I have stumbled upon is - I don't REMEMBER where I left them. And to get into the character's head, emotions, motivations, etc, I now have to reread what I wrote so long ago. For each character.

On Friday, I somehow found myself starting from the beginning. I read the opening chapter. And was compelled to edit it. Now, mind you, I should be in writing mode, skimming through each chapter gleaning enough to forward the motion when I'm done. And I had no intention of starting with Lugh.

But, nooooo. Uh-uh. Not that day.

Click to Subscribe to & Get the 1st Awen Prequel for Free

I pruned. I crystallized. I rearranged sentences. I cleaned it up until that chapter shines. And by the middle of the day I was smiling, even KNOWING this was not my plan. Then by the end of the day, I was in heaven. Literally. Loving this story. Loving the words. Loving the characters. Loving the divine gift that's been given to me and the opportunity to let it shine.

And now I have my new plan. I will tally ho through the first half of the manuscript, editing as I go. I like writing that way, anyway. Then, the first edit of the first half will be complete and I can keep rolling through the rest to THE END.

There. That's all. I just wanted to say thank you. And that, yeehaa, I have a plan.

Of course, I had one this morning when I started out. So who knows...

But, one way or t'other, Awen Tide will get written. And I'm enjoying every minute of it!

Y'all keep reading, and I'll keep writing!

That Rebel, Olivia J. Herrell, writing as O. J. Barré

O. J. Barré is the author of the Awen Trilogy, a pre-apocalyptic urban fantasy set in 2042 Atlanta. Steeped in current, ancient, and future history twists, Book One, Awen Rising, debuted July 2019. Book Two, Awen Storm, released May 2020. Book Three, Awen Tide, is on preorder and will be released in 2022. All are (or will be) available in both paperback and ebook.

O. J.'s Awen Prequel novelette, The Druids of Marduk, Part I, is available as an ebook for purchase on Amazon (or free by signing up for her newsletter). The second installment, The Druids of Marduk, Part II: UnderEarth, is an ebook novella also available on Amazon. Part III: AboveEarth, is scheduled for a 2022 release.

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