Monday, January 8, 2018

Welcome 2018

Dear Friends,

Happy New Year!

Another year has rolled around, and the time has gotten away. I think often of you. Yet, seldom have I reached out to say so.

I miss you, my friend. From the depths of my being, and the bottom of my heart, I miss you.

2017 was intense at times, so-so at others. And now and again, spectacular.

FYI - The highlighted phrases are linked to blog posts on that particular topic, if you would like to read more.

Last winter was difficult, with piles of snow that began accumulating in early December, and never melted until mid-February. This winter has been oh-so-much better.

Then came the fires that ripped through the new growth, as summer stripped the moisture and life from everything, and fouled the air with smoke.

In May, I began using d­oTERRA essential oils. I love the physical, mental, and emotional medicinal properties of the oils. And doTERRA’s supplements, greens, and protein mix are game-changers, giving me the oomph I'd been needing.

In mid-June, I began working part-time for Healthy Family Chiropractic, a group of activator docs. It was odd in the beginning, working for someone else (it’d been 20 years). And while I get paid less than half the amount I would normally make, I show up for work, adjust patients, and the rest is taken care of by my employer.

At June’s end, I celebrated 60. Another decade mark. The hip is still an issue, but with regular chiropractic care, massage, stretching, CBD oil, and doTERRA’s Deep Blue, the pain is manageable.

In August, my sister, bro-in-law, their two Shitzus, and I, went to Livingston, Montana, for a fly show. We detoured through the northern section of Yellowstone on the way up, and through Craters of the Moon coming home.

Yes, I am still writing. Following my bliss. I completed Book One of the AWEN trilogy. And the first draft of Book Two is nearing completion. My self-imposed deadline has come and gone (December 31st) but I am writing the ending as we speak. Once this draft is a wrap, I will set the manuscript aside for a month or so, and start writing Book Three.

At the beginning of 2017, I sent queries to a few literary agents, seeking representation. As each rejection arrived, my inner-writer withered a little more. I got stuck in limbo. So I decided to stop actively pursuing an agent, at least until I am closer to the end of the trilogy. Assuming I don’t decide to self-publish.

In July 2017, the books' titles changed to: AWEN RISING, AWEN STORM, and AWEN TIDE. Shorter. Snappier. More descriptive. Easier to say. Easier to sell. Easier to remember.

My dual priorities for 2018, are writing Book Three and polishing Book Two. The remainder of the story is coalescing, and ideas are arriving for the finale grand.

By year-end 2018, I plan to have two completed fantasy manuscripts (totaling 220,000 words!), on my way to three.

I know, I know. You want to read them. Well, good news!

I am still in need of Beta Readers. To be a beta, you basically read the manuscript in either MS Word or PDF format, then tell me your thoughts. What worked for you? What didn’t? What would you change? What threads were left dangling? Were the resolutions too contrived? Any unbelievable characters, or events? That sort of thing.

If you would like to beta read, let me know by leaving a comment below, or email me at ojbarreauthor at gmail dot com. I will forward the file for your personal perusal. Book One is ready to send now. Book Two, later this year.

In 2018, we're planning a spring trip to Yachats, on the Oregon coast. A friend from SoCal is coming to Boise in mid-April. Depending on finances, and available time-off, maybe a trip to Ventura. Or Atlanta. Or Orange Beach. And definitely more time exploring the Idaho mountains.

I have also opened to the possibility of relationship. With a like-minded fellow. Time will tell.

Who knows what else 2018 will bring?

I am predicting good fortune, happiness, and joy. May you be blessed with an abundance of all you hold dear, including love, laughter, good health, and cheer. 

Happy 2018, my friends. Never forget that you are loved.

~ That Rebel, Olivia J. Herrell writing as O.J. Barré

P.S. The highlighted phrases are linked to blog posts on that particular topic, if you would like to read more.

O.J. Barré is author of the upcoming AWEN trilogy, a rollicking fantasy set in 2042AD, that combines ancient, current, and future history. Book One, AWEN RISING, is complete and in query. The first draft of Book Two, AWEN STORM, is nearing completion, and Book Three, AWEN TIDE, is swirling in the mists of creation.


Janet Grape said...

You are deeply missed! Every time I go past Chat and Choo, I think of you!

I would love to Beta read your book!

I do have to tell you that it take me a month or two to read books I used to devour in 2-3 days. My blurry eyes are a problem!

Hoping the the partner of your dreams is on the horizon!

Big Hugs,
Janet Grape

Olivia J. Herrell, writing as O.J. Barré said...

Hi Janet,

Thank you so much!! I hope the new year is shining brightly upon you! Reading time is not an issue. You can send me comments as you go, or when you reach The End. I did email the file to your bellsouth address a couple-three days ago. Let me know if you have any problems opening it, or if you have any questions, etc.

Thanks again! Olivia aka O.J.

Janet Grape said...

Hey O.J.!
I did get your E-mail, had no problem opening it.
I am going to read slowly, but eagerly! I got through page 12 before my eyes blurred up.really want to know what happens when Emily gets off that bench!
I am going to try putting it on my phone so that I can read it without distractions of the living room!

Thank You, for sharing with me!
Jan Grape

Olivia J. Herrell, writing as O.J. Barré said...

Ooo, exciting! Yay! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I loved writing it!

Have a great MLK weekend! Olivia

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